How To
How to add images in the LP game
How to add images to messages or feeds in the Lady Popular game.
- Let's start with choosing a picture you want to insert.
- lick the IMAGE BUTTON (which is the 6th button on top of the message field)
- Right - Click and paste your picture address.
- Click the IMAGE BUTTON again. It will close off the address with [/img]
The CODE / FORM must be like this:
[img]https://something I want to send.jpg[/img]
[img]https://something I want to send.png[/img]
[img]https://something I want to send.jpeg[/img]
[img]https://something I want to send.gif[/img]
How to Play
the Game
Help section for new players.
Choose your language by clicking the flag in the upper right corner.
Helpful Links
The official Lady Popular International Facebook group page
The official Lady Popular International Instagram page.
Sneak Peeks, old events, new events, collections, news, etc.
The official Lady Popular Fashion Arena YouTube channel.
Old events, Collections, etc.
Current and Old Events, Collections, etc.
Lithuanian website that can be translated into English
Unofficial Blog of the "Lady Popular Fashion Arena" game
A comprehensive, well-done general resource for all things in Lady Popular. This site has information about current events and limited edition shops, engagement party attendance and planning guides, information on boyfriends and fiancés, a Lucky Cards guide, and much more.